Langer Max

Langer Max

Manufacturer Nils Holger Moormann
Max Frommeld

One is short, the other one long – nothing unusual between brothers. The construction reveals that Strammer Max and Langer Max come from the same family though. Side parts, seat, and cross brace are simply stuck together. A rope is twisted until the loose connection becomes a stable seat. For just one or a whole family.

L 35.4” x W 11.8” x H 16.9” 
L 55.1" x W 11.8” x H 16.9” 
L 70.9" x W 11.8” x H 16.9” 

Bench: FU (birch plywood), black or white
Stab: ash untreated
Braided rope: black or red

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Lead time up to 12 weeks 

  • L 35.4”
  • L 55.1"
  • L 70.9"
  • Black
  • White
  • Black
  • Red