Manufacturer ArtisanDesigner Regular Company
Shift is a lamp that in a very simple way, without advanced technology or complex mechanisms, meets the requirements of both directed and background lighting. The structure is ascetic, devoid of all extraneous elements. It consists of three wooden struts that the user self-assembles into a spatial construction, and a shade that slides along one of the struts, supported on the other two in various positions. The shade is made of perforated metal sheeting covered in leather, in order to be strong enough to lean on the wooden struts, and light enough to be simple to use. The flat-pack design allows the lamp to be shipped and assembled more efficiently.
DimensionsD 9.4" x H 15.7"D 17.7" x H 51.2"D 29" x H 78.7" MaterialsAmerican walnut, European walnut, oak, ash, cherry, elm, mapleSee datasheet for available finishesColors: black, white